In the past year since my last post I have graduated from high school, moved away from home and attened a community college for a year. Learning the "adult" life has been difficult. Although; it has been rewarding. I miss home teribbly! Being home sick all the time has been the hardest to deal with! I am going through struggles like any other person would have to deal with.
My goals in life are a lot different than they were a year ago. School is mostly important to me and keeping a good job that will pay for my school. I have high set goals for my far future. They include; becoming a geologest, travel the world, discover something incredable, live for myself before starting a family, and giving my love and dedication to what I one day would like to become.
Life to me is very short and I think everyone should live their life like it is their last. People today take this precious life we live for granted. That is the last thing I want to do. I want to give my all to everything I do. I don't EVER want to look back and say, "I wish I could go back and change that." That's not how I want to live. I believe that there is a time and a place for certian things in your life to happen, because everything happens for a reason. We live and grow on our experiences and our falts in life.
Ok, enough of my preaching for now! ;)
I am using my blog to journal my life and my feelings as I move forward through life. I want to set goals within my long time goals. I hope one day I can read back and remember my thoughts and feelings growing up.
It's this happy soul of mine against the world!!! =]