Been hitting more rough patches in my life. Knowing my sister is dealing with some issues with my dad trying to take my nephew away from her. It hurts me to know how curl my own father can be. He treated my mother like shit and now he is starting to sabotage my sister's life. Some days I wish I could be super woman and help her get away from there and get her started on a new life for her and my nephew. It even sucks when I am the youngest and having to act like the oldest and be the responsible one, really sucks!
I have been dealing with money issues to be able to go to school. I have applied for gov. grant and my mom and I made too much money last year that I'm not getting any grants this year. Then finding out that I'm losing my job after I have sacrificed a lot to keep this job, like I didn't go to work for the mine this summer so I can keep this job for the school year. Now I'm searching for a new, reliable job. All I can say to that is, BEING AN ADULT SUCKS!
I have also been dealing with some depression, and self issues. But I am learning how to deal with it and move on. Like I always say, "Key To Life Is Happiness" and if you don't have happiness, life does not go on! Now that I live in a whole new environment and trying to adapt to it is difficult. But I am slowly but surely getting a hang of it all.
For the past month, I went to my home towns (Elko, NV & Ely, NV) to visit with family and to take some relaxing time to myself. I got to spend time with my very hyper nephew, his mommy and my mommy. It was so good to see them. I hate being so far away from them.
School starts in less than two weeks. I'm not ready for the stress but I am excited to pass on by another semester. I feel dumb after three months of summer and no school. HA! So it's time to go back!
Taking one day at a time and keeping my chin up, cause one day all the struggle in my life will end up being paid off in the end. Even if I have to be as old as Hugh Hefner to get my house full of bunnys! ;)
(I'm being a smart ass mother!!!)